Friday, 16 October 2015


How often do you buy magazines a week?

What genre of magazine are you most interested in?

Where do you normally read magazines?

Where do you buy your magazines from?

Do you ever read music magazines?

What is your favourite music genre?

How much would you spend on a magazine?

What draws you to a magazine?

What sort of content would you want from a magazine that you purchase?

Analysing a 6th form magazine

This is an example of a 6th form magazine that I found on Google. There is nothing on the front cover that would grab the readers attention and I think making the writing in red was a bad choice as it is quite a struggle to read it. also some of the writing on the bottom is white compared to the earlier mentioned red writing so it shows that he hasn't got a house style or if he/she did they just didn't stick to it.

There is nothing on the front cover that makes you want to read it as a potential customer I would not to buy it as it looks like no effort has gone into it. Also this would not stand out to a customer because if this was on a shelf with all of the other magazines it will never get noticed because it is to plain and boring, there is nothing drawing the customer to it.

The picture on the front cover also is not very good as the people look like they are posing and it is just boring, there is no way this would convince anyone to come to 6th form as it just looks like a misinterpretation of what 6th form actually is. Finally on the bottom it says news, reviews and celeb and it just doesn't seem relevant to 6th form, normally if someone is buying a 6th form magazine they would want information on 6th form not unrelated information.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

These are some of the pictures I might use for my 6th form magazine, they show people working which is the impression im trying to create.

Skills audit


taking photos


most computer programs
Magazine structure

Maslows pyramid of needs

Marlow's hierarchy of needs show 5 levels of psychological needs that you need to be happy in the workspace. The lower needs must be satisfied before the higher ones can. Motivation theory which suggests five interdependent levels of basic human needs which must be satisfied in a strict sequence starting with the lowest level. Psychological needs for survival are the most fundamental and pressing needs. They are followed by social needs and self esteem needs.  

Monday, 5 October 2015


This is an introduction for my AS media course. During the course of the year I will be producing two magazines one which is a sixth form magazine and another which is a music magazine. I will be using original images.