Tuesday, 19 January 2016

New picture for my front cover

I think that this picture would be a good front cover because I feel that it has en element of rebellious behaviour and that is what I associate with Rock. It is good because it has male and female people so that shows diversity, I think that it would be a good front cover because in my opinion this image stands out and in a shop you generally tend to buy the magazines that stand out. For a headline I was thinking of having a headline that tells you the band that these two people are in are on tour, I think this will be good because if people already like certain bands they will probably like them even more if they are going on tour to play live events.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Pictures that I am going to use for my magazine.

                                          I think this picture will be good because it shows a band performing and this could lead to me having a picture competition, the idea is that I could say that readers sent in their pictures from live events and then we can say why we picked this picture as the winner.
                                            Another picture from a live event
                                                    Because this is a close-up of someone famous I could write an exclusive interview.
                                  Another picture from a live event.