Analysing a rock magazine
Kerrang is one of the mainstream Rock magazines its target audience is probably for a more mature audience as the language used is sometimes quite strong but I think if you have an interest in music you will enjoy reading it.
There is a lot happening on the front cover, there is a lot of side stories on the side of the page which are all easy to see and to read as the colours used all compliment each other. There is also one main story which also very clear to see.
The main story that they are trying to promote has a quote which will hook the reader and make them want to read what is inside. They communicate with the target audience by having the most popular band that they are featuring.(Thirty seconds to mars) By featuring a popular band it is more likely to grab the reader's attention because if it is a popular band in that genre and people like that group they will be more likely to buy the magazine.
The poses are similar in some ways as they are all looking at the camera.However they are different as some are looking serious and others aren't as serious.
The typography used on this front cover is similar as most of the text is in the same font. This font stands out as it’s all in capitals which allows the writing to stand out against the background.This magazine uses to different colours to go with this type of font as these two colours make the writing stand out on the page.The red and the white really stand out against the black background.They use black for the colour of the font raley as most of the background is black or they use red on the white as it stands out more.
The colours used are black, red and white this is good because all of the colours compliment each other, also the red and black are bold colours and stand out this is important because if this magazine is on a shelf it will stand out and people will notice it. I think the colour white is being used just to make some writing a little bit more clear and understandable.
The type of shot used in these images especially the main image is mid shot and there is one close up on one of the smaller images.The main image is position and framed so it's in the centre of the front cover.This allows for images and text to be placed over and around the main image without covering the face of the model. The photography is consistent as the type of shots being used are used throughout and the images are all framed the same I think they do this because it makes the pictures easier to see and the audience can see everything.
9 Posts.The audience work does record some of what we covered but you need to show that you are reflecting on this and suggesting how useful these approaches might be..grasping this key concept will help your confidence with your work. Try to apply key words like connotation and denotationin your analysis…why have you done a music magazine analysis before finishing the sixth form one? The screen shot has lost some detail on this.You are catching up Jack but I need to see the finished 6th form work and your plan for meeting the deadlines. Level 1 5/20
ReplyDelete9 Posts.The audience work does record some of what we covered but you need to show that you are reflecting on this and suggesting how useful these approaches might be..grasping this key concept will help your confidence with your work. Try to apply key words like connotation and denotationin your analysis…why have you done a music magazine analysis before finishing the sixth form one? The screen shot has lost some detail on this.You are catching up Jack but I need to see the finished 6th form work and your plan for meeting the deadlines. Level 1 5/20