This is my finished front cover and I think as a 6th form magazine I think it is quite good and fit for its purpose. My house style is green and purple I think that these colours are a good choice as they stand out and they are both quite bold colours, I was going to use the ryde academy white and blue but I felt that it would not stand out because of the pictures I've chosen. For my masthead I use the word "exclucive" which would entice the reader as readers like to get something that they can't get anywhere else so the reader might feel that they are valued because we would be giving them something that they can't get anywhere else. Normally on a magazine there is always something in the top right corner and this is what a potential customer sees first, so if it is something interesting or something were a customer could win something they will definitely be interested in the magazine. For my magazine I couldn't think of anything relevant that would go with my magazine so instead I put the price which is 75p, I think this is important because nowadays if you want to buy a magazine the majority of the time your going to end up paying more than £2:50 so if a customer sees that it is 75p they are going to think that it is good value and be interested. Also as my target audience is 6th form students or people who would be interested in going to 6th form I have got to keep my price low because as students they are not going to have much money on them so the money they do have they won't want to waste and when they see that my magazine is 75p and that it is filled with quality content they won't mind paying for it because it's great value.
To improve my magazine I would have made the font of my price smaller because it is the same size as my title and this could mislead customers into thinking my magazine is called the "6th sense 75p" which is not a very attractive of appealing title. Also for my other two side pictures I feel that I could have write something more enticing and maybe use alliteration as that would draw the reader in and it would be a more exciting front cover.
In conclusion I feel that my front cover is good and has more positives than negatives if I was to do I it again I would make a few changes but the layout and the pictures will be the same just some of the wording would be different but apart from that I would say that my front cover is good and stands out.
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